"Vastus" is a game for the Nintendo Entertainment System I started developing in 2020.
This project was born out of an art competition in the Cubebrush forums called "Art War." The participants were to create an illustration of an original character based on one of the four elements of nature. All were encouraged to share the steps of creating the image, such as thumbnails and rough sketches.
Phase 1: The Contest
This phase consisted of the character design and illustration process. Below you can see my character’s progression:
Phase 2: The Game
Coincidentally, at around the same time I discovered "NESMaker," a GUI-based game development tool for making games on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I started to experiment with the tool, and decided to use this character I had just created as the protagonist of the game.
After learning the basics of game development with NESMaker, I got to the first playable demo, which is the one pictured in the video below. This was mostly to test out movement, combat, and screen scrolling.
Phase 3: Now
I then built on top of that short demo by drawing several new graphics, creating new enemies, and fine-tuning the movement and level design. This is where the project stands now, but in the future, I would like to keep building on it.